WCX News

The Supplier Capacity Dilemma at the Heart of ICE-to-EV Transition

For decades, there has been a tug-of-war between many suppliers and their vehicle- manufacturer customers with respect to future planning volumes. The stakes are significant.

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NHTSA moves on driver-impairment regulation

U.S. safety agency takes anticipated first step in mandating driving-impairment detection for all new vehicles.

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The US Needs More Engineers. What’s the Solution?

The gap between new engineering roles created and new engineers entering the US market each year is stark with projections estimating that nearly one-third of engineering roles will remain unfilled each year through at least 2030.

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4 Reasons to Exhibit at Mobility Events in 2024

In a world (and mobility industry) where everything seems to be going digital, professionals still prefer an analog approach to meeting business partners— and they’re going to in-person trade events looking to connect.

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Shifts in Mobility are Driving the Need for Software Engineers

Developments like advancing technology, the transition to electronic vehicles (EVs) and progress toward autonomy are transforming the mobility industry — and dramatically increasing demand for software engineers.

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Top 5 Trends Disrupting Mobility in 2024

There’s a lot to keep tabs on in today’s mobility industry, from advancements in sustainability to safety improvements to self-driving cars — and more changes are just around the bend. 

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WCXTV 2023

Episode 1

Episode 2

WCX TV 2023


Micro-Combustion, LLC. - Harnessing the Power of Implosion Combustion


The impact of software-defined vehicles on mobility


Interview with SAE President Todd Zarfos

The Evolution of the Personal Luxury Vehicle

Question of the Day - What is the key topic at WCX for you?




Interview with Robert Wagner

Interview with Alba Colon

Tesla Teardowns with Sandy Munro




Interview with Kelly Senecal

Ride and Drive Certifications at WCX: SAE J3300 Driving Skills Standard

What is going to be the most important development in mobility in the next 5 years?




WCX TV is Coming Soon to Detroit